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Connection and belonging...

Christine Cahoon   Tue 25 Aug 2020   updated: Sat 19 Sep 2020

To Forward IT... you know who you are (12 August 2020):

Thank you for my leaving present of beautiful earrings and for the thoughtful comments some of you were able to add in the card. I will cherish them always.

This week I have contemplated on my time now at home and sense there were two areas I concentrated on while I was with you (though not realising I was doing it) and that is of “connection” and “belonging”. The quotes below are taken from Brene Brown’s book, “Daring Greatly”:

“Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and recieve without judgement.”

Although some of you know I did judge but I hope you realised I did it to instruct, urging you to see how you could improve and become a better for it.

“And, belonging... it is the innate human desire to be part of something larger than us.”

At times, I felt out of my depth such was the enormity of our task. But showed up and applied myself, no matter how I felt and you did too and we achieved what some thought as impossible. We did it together as a team.

You will continue to shine like stars wherever you are.

I am so grateful I was part of it for a short while. I will be forever proud of you all.