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My running career…

Christine Cahoon   Thu 24 Feb 2011   updated: Thu 03 Jul 2014

My running career… That’s a laugh… it’s no career, just doing it for fun. Some may say it’s not a good sport to start at my age (or any) because of the stress it puts on bones, hips, knees but I take it easy… don’t do much on tarmac or concrete until race days so lessens the impact.

Anyhow, after my successes of the two half marathons last year which I raised over £900, I’ve been considering doing a marathon. Just one… I could celebrate this my 50th year by doing it.

So I did my home work… people say the Berlin marathon course is the best for historical value as you run around the city and the way you are treated. But alas, it’s a week after the half marathon which I’ve already enrolled for in the Great North Run in September. So it’ll have to be another year… meanwhile I’m running 7 miles every Saturday and using that day to extend my distance so I’ll be prepared. I’m slow but steady.

Here goes… now what charity should I run for… you didn’t expect me to just do it for myself… did you? :-)