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Year by year, month by month, week by week, day by day

Christine Cahoon   Sat 11 Sep 2010   updated: Fri 22 Dec 2017

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Over 8,000 mushrooms in the world!

It’s amazing me recently how much we see every day like we’ve never seen before. The forest has so many gems to amaze us by like the mushrooms and toadstools growing and decaying like we’ve not seen other years… red with white spots, greys, creams, greens, yellows, tiny, massive… edible or not? I’m not trying them. They’ve been here other years but the impact has astounded me this year like never before. Then there’s the blackberries… we’ve been picking a few every morning to have in our cereal for a couple of weeks now and they seem so plentiful compared to other years.

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Fly agaric mushrooms or Amanita muscaria

So I ask myself… is it my consciousness improving as I’m becoming much more aware of the outdoors so I’m less a towny as time goes by? I hope so, because the forest continues to surprise me every day.

And of course, that’s only part of it—the sea is glorious to swim in. It’s so warm and clear. When I dive down, it’s like entering another room… feels like I’m intruding as the hermit carbs walk along the bottom and jellyfish drift by.