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You’re doing rightly…

Christine Cahoon   Mon 05 Apr 2010   updated: Tue 10 Oct 2017

Last weekend in April, we climbed Muckish. I’ve never been a fast climber. Everyone I go with seem like mountain goats but I can’t keep up that pace. I always take a few steps then look back (exhausted!). Why rush anyway? Some fantastic views.

This weekend past I decided to extend the run for a half-marathon. When I woke up on Saturday I felt strong… always a good way to feel when you have to go for a run :-). I wasn’t sure how long I’d go for but 1.5 hours would be good, 2 hours running would mean about 9-10 miles.

It was a good morning too. All that was there to keep me company was the birds, the odd beetle, some black (and brown!) slugs. I kinda lost my way a bit and when I found were I was again, I was disappointed. Although I’d ran for 45 minutes, I thought I was further round than I was. But about half way I just felt like lead. I was conscious of every muscle (and fat!) moving. I was determined to keep going… I mean my aim is to do a marathon this year… split in two halves. This is what it’s going to feel like, I thought, it’s normal… there’ll be plenty of people to support you but you’re on your own now. So I plodded on, up steep hills and long, slight slops.

After one particularly steep hill and too far from home, I was ready for dropping, when a jogger (who looked like skin and bone!) and had met the previous week came out of nowhere and said “You’re doing rightly! Fine morning?” Boy, that made me smile. What encouragement had he given this middle aged woman who had a face like beetroot!

Though slow I kept going… knowing every turn now and knowing when the end was coming and a cool swim to invigorate. What a reward!

I was delighted… for the next two days I waited for painful muscles to kick in. Not a twitch!

... pity all this exercise isn’t improving my badminton though! :-)