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The rebounding ball!

Christine Cahoon   Tue 15 Nov 2016   updated: Fri 20 Oct 2017

The simplest things make me laugh and it's at the little observations that come my way! Like here in Tenerife this year, 2016, the latest toy is a rubber ball attached to a string of elastic and a wristband. It's really great as it allows a child to bounce a ball without losing it.

I saw one wee boy throwing it hard away from him, only for it to bounce back and hit his chest hard. Bumph! The look on his face of shock was priceless.

Only for the ball to fire off again. This time it rebounded over his shoulder and in a flash he turned around to try and catch it but it rebounded again. I muffled my laugher as I watched his antics and his facial expressions.

Later as I sat on our balcony writing this reflection, I roared with laughter so much so the people sitting out on their balcony across the resort lifted their heads from their lunch.

I'm sure they were saying "can we have what she's having!?".