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What’s your calling in life...

Christine Cahoon   Thu 08 Jun 2017   updated: Fri 22 Dec 2017

Reading this article... What's your calling in life? made me think.

My desire has always been to help people use technology for the greater good. In some cases with work, helping them concentrate on what they do best. I hope I've done that.

Though I'm not sure people know they need help these days. However, when I look at their Word documents they produce (whether it's a letter, a council tender through to a thesis), I know people need help. Even viewing a presentation at a conference or workshop, something jars when it's not done well. Looking at code, whether it's a Perl program, a page of HTML, CSS file with incorrect structure and naming conventions... there's always room for improvement.

Of course, there's always room for me to improve as well but I'd like others to know what I know and make some progress :-)