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The difference age makes

Christine Cahoon   Mon 19 Sep 2016   updated: Tue 07 Nov 2017

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Bandwidth is lousy throughout the resort except in reception or so I thought. I found the best way to find out where the strongest signal is, is to ask a teenager who has a device in his hand.

Proud to be asked this young teenager gave me the accurate area marking out "landmarks" to show me where to get the best signal. Precious. He wandered off to his table (no doubt, the best place) to Facetime a friend.

I wandered inside to reception to find a seat and finish off checking my email and there were three handsome, trendy lads with their devices. A young lady walked past them. They pretended all the more to view their devices but one by one I could see them stare as the "model" pranced by. I thought they're all the same! LOL!

No seats to be found so I stood by another handsome teenager–brown-eyed, hair swept back—and said "it's like watching paint dry, isn't it?" "Yes" he said "I've been trying to chat with my friend and as the signal comes and goes the conversation gets very disjointed so there is misunderstandings. So I've told my friend to wait until we see each other face-to-face". And, as I left to reduce congestion, we chuckled in understanding.

When I was a teenager I never had confidence to walk up to fellas and chat. What a difference being a middle-aged woman makes!