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Christine Cahoon   Fri 08 Dec 2017   updated: Tue 01 Oct 2019

Sound file
As spoken by ronjea

My daughter and I arranged to meet recently—we come from almost opposite ends of the city so we meet at Waterstones in Linenhall Street, her favourite bookshop.

She texted that she was close so I walked down the street to meet her. I saw a little girl about four years of age run to her mother and I got flashback of my daughter doing the same.

Her long blonde hair flowing behind her, grinning from ear to ear, her little legs in leggings going as fast as she could to run into my arms—such was the greeting I got every time I went to pick her up from our childminder after work. What a memory! Almost brought tears to my eyes, knowing it was so long ago but it felt like yesterday.

But then in the distance I saw "my little girl"—our eyes locked and she started running towards me. It was a special moment to see this mature, young woman with the same wonderful smile and seeing excitement in her eyes and boy, my heart felt it as if it could burst with joy.

We hugged, greeted each other with a peck on the cheek and gabbled our way to the coffee shop in Waterstones words flowing into and on top of one another.

Another monthly meet up to catch up and maybe treat each other begins… what could be better! Thank you my companion, soulmate, confidante, my daughter.