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Helping out

Christine Cahoon   Sun 17 Dec 2017   updated: Tue 19 Dec 2017

It was time to stop for a break before doing the groceries so I went into a cafe. A mother in the queue in front of me was having difficulty with her son as they decided what to have for lunch. I think the boy was about eight years of age and had Down’s syndrome but he also seemed unable to talk, only communicating with a series of grunts and what appeared to be mini struggles. They eventually were able to find a table in the middle of the cafe, but the boy continued to be unsettled and threatened to run out. My heart went out to the mother.

I was served and found a table behind left of the mum and the boy, and beside another girl. I had just sat down when the mum, who was ever patient, decided to move tables to somewhere quieter. She saw a table, which was against a wall—she could sit him in the inside and sit beside the boy to help control him.

Immediately the girl beside me jumped up and proceeded to help with the move. I noticed the girl left her mobile on her table, and left her large handbag open and vulnerable. So I kept an eye on them until she came back to her table. I said to her “Well spotted” acknowledging her help for the family. “I kept an eye on your mobile and handbag“. She waved her hand and expressed relief “Oh, thanks!”.

Oh! that we helped people more without thinking and cover each other’s backs more readily!